
Friday 28 September 2012

Die - Film Summary

The film begins with a psychologically disturbed man being interviewed by the police for murdering someone. The detective asks him why he murdered the man. The murderer says the die made him do it.

The scene cuts to some time in the past where the disturbed man comes into possession of the die, which he promptly uses to decide his actions. Whenever he rolls the die he gets these images in his head of what he should do. These images suggest that he has schizophrenia.

After rolling the die, he gets an image of him murdering a co-worker. He begins to lose his mind and talks to the die, pleading it to leave him alone. He finally gives into the die and murders his co-worker.

We return to the present where the man has just finished his story. The detective believes that he is crazy and takes the die away from him. the detective returns to his desk. Out of curiosity, the detective roles the die. He then receives flashing images in his head, revealing that the man wasn't crazy and the die were controlling him. Now that the detective have taken the die, the die has control over him. The detective says in a strange voice "The die is cast".

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